Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Wanna Be Poor

To find a quiet place is not an easy thing to do in our world. Even harder is to have and keep a quiet heart - to have quietness and peace inwardly is something that takes takes time and someone that is willing to put some effort into having a place where God's rest can abide.
David was a man that encountered God in his everyday job of looking after sheep. This job was considered way low on the totem pole as far as jobs in his day. He was probably looked at as not important, or unvalued...but during this time of looking after his sheep, he encountered God. God used this time when it was just the two of them in the middle of a pasture with no one else around to birth a relationship that would later be the very foundation that God used to rule a nation. He had no other one else to pull on him for his time. All he had was nature, his God, and the task of caring for some sheep!
Distractions are our worst enemy - especially in our culture and day. When I went to Honduras a few years ago, something was awakened on the inside of me. It was a longing to lay aside the things that surround us that, in the view of eternity, will have no value. I saw something in the Hondurans that I their poor state, they were rich in relationship and prayer with God - which was obvious. They knew how to worship - they loved Him because they depended on Him for everything - daily! Here I was as a 25 year old...I've never starved, been in need of shelter, or went a day without showering. Yet, I was able, by the grace of God, to see how poor I really was. I want to be rich in Him - and that can only happen through leaning and trusting in Him for everything. In America we don't need much, so sometimes our relationship with God is put on the back burner. Right now in my life I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how in the world I can live as someone who is "poor in spirit" in a world of materialism and's not easy and the price is sometimes harder than we think. The fact is, it's harder to trust God in a nation that has everything we've ever needed - and more, for that matter!
Like I said earlier, David was a man with a history with God. It wasn't a history of encountering Him in a church service with other people. He had this intimate, one-on-one relationship wtih God that no one else knew about until later in His life. He knew the secret of knowing God for Himself and being around people that knew Him would never be enough for David because He tasted of a relationship with God that nothing else would satisfy. For years it was just Him and God!
I love my friendships...I wouldn't be able to go through life's seasons if it was not for the incredible people God has placed in my life. They are scattered everywhere...some are in my city - others are throughout the state - others are throughout the nation - and then still, others are in different countries. Yet, even in knowing the importance of these people and how precious it is of the Father to bring them into my life, I know that if I do not, at some point in my day or week, spend time alone with God, my strength will soon fade. We desperately need others. But if we put all our dependency on others, we'll stand disappointed and empty. This is easier said than done because we can see people with our eyes. Trusting in a God we cannot see takes true faith and belief that He is who He says He is. Does He really love me enough to take care of me in this season? Can I trust that You will come through with what you said? It's hard...but the reward is incredible. The secret place with God is like the eye of a storm. The noise surrounds us - panic, worry, fear, being uncertain about life, etc. The noise can almost do us in. But there is a place of peace and rest. It's a small little place, but it's still a place! No one can go with you into that place - it's just a place for you and God. But if you go, you will be changed forever because it's only in that place of surrender will we learn to trust and lean on Him. He will prove Himself to you, but often He allows trouble to occur in our lives that will drive us to Him. It's really the only safe place in life!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beautiful Jesus

I love who Jesus is attracted to. It's so different than who you and I are attracted to. He loves so purely. We tend to be attracted to outward appeareance or personality. It's so different for him. He loves the unloved, the friendless, those in need. His love is so beautiful and it can fill every lonely hurting heart anywhere in the world. He chooses the not so good looking ones, the not so talented, the not so popular. And He brings them near to His big heart and heals them with His embrace. I love who He is. And I really want to be more like that. After all, I'm one of many He has offered this free gift of incredible love. I'm blown away by His love - it stays the same through every season...and I've had many. Sometimes I just ask Him what in the world is He going to do with me - someone who is so fragile, so inconsistant, so unperfect. Then I sense His smile upon my life and I'm wrecked again and in awe of someone who can love someone like me this way. May we allow Him to love us into being lovers!!! There are so many hurting people - so many that just need a word of hope. Life is so short. Whatever you have to do to change me, than do it. Make me a lover whose heart is alive with the reality of Jesus. He sees beauty in everyone - and especially the poor, the broken, homeless, the motherless/fatherless, and those that have nothing. This is who He chooses. Brake us Lord - and give us your incredible heart!!! It's big enough for all of us! There is healing in His embrace.