Friday, August 28, 2009

Kindergarten Quotes of the Week

Here it is:

"Ms. Isaacs, your hair is beautiful..." (stroke, stroke)..."it's like a horse."

Kindergartener's are so honest, which is good most of the time. I had a zit today followed by, "WHAT IS THAT AWFUL RED THING ON YOUR FACE???"



Monday, August 10, 2009

Cultivating an Inner Life With God

I'm in a state of fear and trembling as I really ponder about what matters most in life. We can so easily get pulled into the daily routine of our individual lives and forget about the things that matter most. Although it is very important the choices we make outwardly such as how we treat others, the most important thing we need to be cultivating is our INWARD life in the Lord. Our hearts are often what we neglect.To cultivate our heart in God takes time and discipline, something that we probably don't want to hear! But, to cultivate life on the inside is the best decision we can make.
As a teacher, it's my job to try and provide a learning atmosphere that will bring about some internal movtivation from the children. We want them to make the right choice because they know it's the right chioce on the inside. If they are doing it for an outward reason, like to get a sticker, they never really grasp the reason why they should make the right choice. Don't get me wrong, I give a lot of stickers out! There is definately a time to do that, but this is a great example of how a lot of us live. We live for outward pleasure, searching for something that will satisfy. It reminds me of a gerbil on a wheel. We are busy, but it's not taking us anywhere and it leaves us empty only wanting more. We need to stop for a moment and really take a look inwardly. Are we alive on the inside? Are we being internally motivated to do things for the Lord? Or are we feeling stuck and bored in dry religion. No one wants dry religion. It's about the worst thing on the earth. To live a Christian life only on the outside is no different than any other religion in the world. We can have an incredible friendship and love relationship with God IF we cultivate it. It doesn't just happen over night.
I think I can easily say that cultivating an inward life in God is the most important thing we can be doing right now. But I also think it's the most difficult and takes great sacrifice to do it. It will completely change our lifestyles to do it, but I have a feeling that it will be the only thing that can get us through the coming days. If we don't have that, what really do we have? Other friendships and relationships are God given and important, but we must make more of an effort to cultivate our hearts in friendship with God. It will make or break us.