Friday, January 11, 2008


I know I'm not the only one with disappointments in my life...I mean, I have to admit, I haven't had a bad one. My life has been good. Actually, I love my life. That doesn't necessarily mean it's all the time wonderful, but I'm slowly learning that things change, people change, seasons change -- and when you realize that, it's not so much a shock when the change comes. Because of that word we dont like - CHANGE, we often are left disappointed in life. Whether it's with our relationships or just the outcome of situations, we don't really like it when it doesn't end up our way. I want to write a little about being disappointed.
Was Jesus ever disappointed? I really don't know - maybe one of you can tell me. I'd really like to know. Even if He wasn't ever disappointed, I know He understands us when we are, and I know He wants to comfort us in times where our hearts, at the end of the day, are left with disappointment. The fact is that He will never disappoint us. Now, that doesn't mean He offers us a perfect life with no troubles. We all, at some point in our life, can choose to be offended at others and even offended at God because things haven't happened the way they want. Or, maybe that person in your life has not been the person you need or want them to be.
So the real question is, what do we do when we are disappointed? Do we allow ourselves to give into bitterness and unforgiveness or do we run into His arms - the one that we can give our fears, our hurts, and our doubts to. We can be vulnerable with Him - we can tell him our disappointments and He can keep a secret. He will "comfort us with His love."
I've been studying the verse, "My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, my

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