Thursday, January 29, 2009

For Sherri (continued from blog below)

I am posting this short blog since after reading my previous one, my sister Sherri wanted to defend herself as to why she didn't want to sleep with me when I was so afraid of the dark. Yes, it's true...I threw up on her favorite panda bear, Pete, in the middle of the night when she was so kind to let her little sister sleep with her. So now the readers will understand as to one reason why Sherri was cautious... and now she will be saved from being labeled as a cruel sister. That's for you, Sherbear. You are such a nice sister...despite throwing the hair dryer at me, launching a 3 foot stick at my head while riding a bike, and refusing to teach me how to drive your awesome new green truck back in 1997(I still have yet to learn stick shift). Thanks for reminding me of the throw-up incident. It adds a whole new element to my blog!


Lisa said...

Baby Harper is sooooo cute. Talk to you later.

Lisa said...

I have made some changes--check it out when you get a chance.