I long to be near to God. I desire His touch on my heart. The reality of an unseen and uncreated God is more than what our eyes gaze upon. He is moving all around us but remains untouchable. He is seen in the mountains, the storms, the ocean. Yet, none can see His face. "Where are you, Lord," is a question my heart often asks, yet He is everywhere...everywhere at once. Sometimes it feels like He is close and other times He feels far. Yet, He misses nothing and knows everything. He sees every single movement of our hearts. He knows our thoughts, our yesterdays, and our tomorrows. He knows our passions that are hidden and the ones that are known. He knows our wants, our wishes, and our regrets. He sees every chamber of our heart...darkened or lit. So what is God like? I certaintly do not know but a very small glimpse of the beginning of the beginning of His character and heart towards us. Humility is the response of a heart that has touched Him.
God is seen among the noise. God is seen in the market places and among the crowds of people. He is also seen in quietness. God is seen in the monk who abides in solitude. God is seen in the unborn child. God is seen in nature. He is seen in the smile of a child living in the slums. He is seen in poverty and among the despised of the earth. What is of true importance to Him would shock us and bring us to our knees. Who will touch the ones that are important to His heart? May we get so close that we begin to hear His heart beat and feel the rhythm and dance of His heart.
We can do nothing, be nothing, accomplish nothing without Him. We are desperate individuals who, without the touch of God, would destroy ourselves with the evil that we are capable of walking in. We are naive of our own humanity and often fail to realize His incredible patience and love that hover over our lives. We, or should I say I, am often choked by my own christian culture that plugs the flow of God's touch through me. I fall short of walking in love and am aware of once again my brokeness and ability to walk in the divine. My motives are impure and I am full of selfishness. Yet, I hear Him whispering tenderly again the simple words of "You are ok." And I sense again the peace that there is between Him and I. To know there is peace with God is a gift. It doesn't make much sense and that's the reason I so often struggle to stand in it. One who is so perfect wants to be close to me, to be my friend, and to help me. I arise only to fall again, and then only to hear the familiar words, "You are ok." Then I feel it again. Peace between Him and I. Pure and perfect peace that could only come from a pure and perfect love. Let Him whisper into your ear as well. We are all of the same nature and we all desperately need the quiet, gentle whisper to calm our overstressed and anxious hearts. He wants us to rest in Him. To feel the waterfall of His love and peace strengthen our weary hearts. If you have fallen again like I often do, arise and receive His love. Repentance is a gift that brings humility and creates an openess in our hearts where it was once closed. Repentance is our friend and should be used as a tool to create tenderness on the inside, a necessary ingrediant to walking in the Spirit.
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