God's heart is so big. He has room enough in His big heart for all of us. We were meant to feel as though we belong and that we have a home, so to speak. I believe one of the saddest things on earth is for someone to not have a home. It is a place of safety, security, and provision. This is what He promises us. There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling than for someone to feel a part of a family. To feel like we are taken care of and protected and to know we are loved and cared for. He has our back in this big ol world. He really has our back!
Oh how I long to know Him more. And to know that there is a love greater than what we have experienced! The more our hearts taste of Him it's as though we have barely began! He longs to bring into His love every person feeling alone in this world. I think we would be shocked at the number of people who feel it. Even those who are surrounded by others often feel it. We were made with the desire to be known and heard. We want to be listened to instead of going through life like a gerbil on a wheel. We were made for deep friendships and relationships because that's who God is and that's what He loves. He is about community. He is about family! We were made to feel so secure about ourselves and full of worth because of our value before God. The Father wants to speak His worth into our hearts so we can overflow with His love to others. Most of all, we can love Him in return and love others a whole lot better. That's who He is and what He does --He brings worth and value to who we are.
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