Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Finding Him in the Fire!

Two or three weeks ago I had a dream that I was standing in a fire and it was not a pleasant feeling. My view changed and I was now looking into the fire and I saw something astounding. There standing in the flames stood a huge lion. I wasn't afraid of the lion...actually, I knew the moment I looked at it that the lion symbolized (or however you want to say it) Jesus Himself. Yet, this was no cute kitty. I was looking straight into the eyes of the "Lion of Judah." There was a fierceness in His eyes that I can't really explain. I love the gentleness and sweetness of Jesus, but the picture I was seeing of Him was anything but that. In all of this, I was not afraid. I just watched Him as He moved about in the flames with an intensity and confidence that was obvious. There was no fear in Him. Strength flowed from His very presence and even fire, which burns up anything in it's way, could not overpower the presence of this Lion.

I woke up and I knew the Lord had given me this dream. Fire can mean many things to us. The Word speaks of the fire of temptation or the firy trials that God allows us to go through. It can mean the purification that a situation will bring in our lives. It is times of difficulty and pressure that God allows for good. One thing we all know. When the fire comes, it is not a pleasant vacation on the beach. It's a time when God places His finger on our lives. David says in Psalms "You've hedged me in behind and before, you've laid your hand upon me." There are times when God puts His finger on our hearts and we feel His love...His embrace...His comfort. But oh how different the fire is! It also comes from God. It is sent to purify us, to change us, to transform us. When we are in the middle of the fire we think we are going to die. We think it's a fire from hell when really it's the fire from God - the fire sent straight out of the heart of a love sick God. You see - His motives towards us are loving no matter what season we are in. He loves us so incredibally that He will allow situations to arise that will change us. He loves gently. But when the Lion of Judah comes, get ready for a purification to happen in your life. Get ready to DIE to yourself and become aware of your humanity more than ever before. Oh yes, it's a wonderful thing! In the midst of the fire we will find Him. We will find that strength of a Lion standing in the fire with us and we will come out with such dependency and trust in Him because every selfish ungodly ugly thing inside of us has been allowed to come forth. We become aware of two things. One - our weakness. Two - His strength. So let it burn baby! Yah, it may hurt, but the fire is burning up everything we don't want inside of us anyways!

Like I wrote earlier, when we are in the fire, we feel as though God is literally destroying our lives. Sometimes I want to just ask Him, "What the heck are you doing???" With all respect of course! Job asked that question lots of times. He said in Job 10:8 "Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destory me?" He was experiencing the fire. Yet, look at God's motives. He wasn't doing it because Job was in trouble with God. He was doing it to prove Satan wrong. He knew Job would come out ok and He wanted to prove Job's heart to Satan. See, if only we could know the heart of God in the midst of the storm or fire we would not be offended at God. Satan told God Job would be offended when all of the precious things in His life were taken from Him. But God knew Job. And He was willing to prove that to Satan. Can you imagine if Job knew that all of the trouble occurred in his life as a result of a dang bet between God and Satan? Yet, He would not be wondering of God had left Him - He would not be doubting Him. He would press on and cling to that which He had known in the past - the faithfulness of His God. Job also writes in 7:17-20 "What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, that you examine him every morning and test him every moment? Will you never look away from me or leave me alone for just an instant? If I have sinned, what have I done to you, o watcher of men? Why have you made me your target? Have I become a burden to you?" He was basically asking God to lay off for awhile - His hand was on Him too heavy. He needed a break from the fire...the hand of God on his life was overwhelming him. God had targeted Job and all because of how much He loved Him! He was the most righteous and blameless of all the people in the land. How in the heck did Job not get offended? It was a test - a firy test from God and God knew Job would pass it. Satan was allowed to touch the very heart of Job - the very things that he loved most were destroyed.

I get a daily prophetic word through my email. Today's word was what inspired me to write this blog. Here it is:

I have been with you in your times of testing and trials, says the Lord. The fires of purification have burned white hot, and you have come through your ordeal changed -- transformed by your faith and dependence upon Me. There were times when you would rather have been translated or transfigured, but you have learned obedience through the things you have suffered. And, you are stronger spiritually than ever. These afflictions were exactly what you needed to stimulate your spiritual growth. Hebrews 5:8 Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

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