I feel like a small child writing this blog. Anyone who has been raised in church, spent any amount of time in church, or just knows the basics about christianity knows the fact that the God of the universe lives inside of us. But sitting on my couch tonight I began to play my guitar and the truth of it all just hit me and I just sat there in awe!!! The God of the universe lives in me?!! What the heck! It is a mystery that I can't wrap my finger around and I never will be able to until I see Him. Why in the world is He so interested in us? In either 1 or 2 Corinthians it talks about how His glory is in jars of clay, which speaks of us. He has chosen to put His incredible glory in breakable, unstable, and inconsistant containers called humans. And not only has He chosen that way, but He delights in it! I just don't get it...I mean, really, folks! This is a mystery! Not only are we His dwelling place, but He longs for a deeper, more intimate relationship with every one of us more than we can imagine. His heart of friendship is always pursuing us.
My view of God has changed so much in the last 10 years. I used to think He was so disappointed in me and that I could never possibly measure up to His standards. And I was a "good" kid! No matter how "good" we think we are (which none of us are really "good" compared to His goodness and love), there is a part of us that is broken and unable to live up to a perfect life. It just ain't happenin'. I have definately not become more perfect in the last ten years...if anything, I have become more aware of who I am in my weakness. I used to think maturity was becoming more perfect. Now I know maturity is the ability to receive God's love and affection in my imperfection. It's knowing I am weak and letting God love me. Therefore, I will always run to God no matter what state my heart is in because I know He is for me not against me - even on the days that I am pretty much a moody, not so fun/nice person to be around He loves me!! AAAAHH! That is soooo good to know! When others leave, He stays. When others are disappointed, He is smiling. When others cast a stone, He approves! He is so consistant and His love covers a multitude of sins. This is the good news of the gospel -- this is why I love Him! Because His love is so much bigger than my little heart that pays way too much attention to meaningless things and can't quite grasp the small little messages He tries to send me through situations and circumstances. Oh yes, more than ever before I am aware of my weakness! And I am happy about it because more than ever before I am aware of His love for me!
So...this God of perfect and pure love lives in ME. Today the message that I have heard for 27 years seems to be ringing loud and clear in my heart. Jesus lives in my heart - I am His dwelling place. All He wants is friends, guys. He no longer calls us "slaves" but "friends." How incredible is that?! So if you're head is hanging low and you're in a not so great place, just know that His attention is on you. He is interested in us more than we even know. So interested that He was willing to give it all so that there might be friendship between us and Him. During my guitar playing on my couch I starting singing a simple, yet profound little song from my little heart. It speaks of my heart and it went something like this, "This is the place you have made for you. May you have my heart. May you have my mind. This is the place you long to be." And I sat there thinking about my heart and my mind. Does He really own it? Does He really have my thoughts and my attitudes, or heart? Or do I just simply talk about Him in words with no inner reality? There was this feeling that rose up on the inside of me - this longing that He would have that place that was created just for Him. He wants our hearts, which means our emotions, our will, our attitudes, etc. He wants our thoughts... So, let's make an effort to give Him what He so desires.
I read a book called "Practicing the Presence of God." It is basically about a man who worked in a kitchen and He decided to "practice" keeping His mind and thoughts centered on God while He worked during the day. He wrote that it was difficult at first, but as He practiced it more and more, He began to experience the presence of God in a very real way throughout His day. Maybe you think you don't have the time to be the kind of person that spends hours and hours with God on a daily basis. Well, join the majority of the world! I encourage you to try thinking about Him while you're at work, school, etc. Give Him your thoughts during the day. Our hearts really are the dwelling place for God's presence! He is jealous for YOUR heart and YOUR mind!!!
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