We've all heard the saying "iron sharpens iron" meaning that we as individuals grow the most when we are placed in situations where we can form meaningful relationships with those around us. God is not in the business of placing us in isolation as a form of maturing in Him. A large part of maturing in Him is when we form a "family" around us whom we can share our lives with. Communicating and encouraging one another in both strong times and seasons of weakness is a part of His plan. This was His idea. Red flags need to go really high when someone is too good to open up and share their lives with others as a result of being too spiritually mature or having the sense that others are way below their realm of humanity. It takes some humility to share our lives with one another. Not only that, but trust! Lord knows we've all been hurt and the more someone is hurt, the less likely they are to open up to the next person who comes along. Rejection seems to seep in somewhere in the process which leaves us afraid and unwilling to share with someone else those deep, maybe even shameful, parts of our lives. But -- still, beyond all of that, it's still necessary that we have people around us for us to grow in the Lord!
Let me give you insite into some of my history. In highschool and in my earliest years of college I held a wonderful view of who I was. I was always known as the good girl who could make everyone smile and feel better. In school I was the christian girl who was known for her innonence and just plain niceness. I never partied and in some sense was seen as perfect. I can say those things about me because it's been said to me about myself! And honestly, I really did sincerely love my Lord as much as I knew how to. My nature was sweet, but underneath all of that was this hidden pride that I didn't even know I had. Hiding behind my sweet innocent life was some ugliness that I wouldn't encounter until later in my college years when the Lord decided to bring a needed shaking to my life. Oh yes...the joy of being broken is something that isn't joyful at all until you're at the end of the process. That is just what I needed is some brokeness in my life. I didnt' know I needed it. I, like everyone else, really didn't think I needed a thing. I definately didn't need anyone else.I had my life together. I woke up an hour early to spend time with the Lord every morning. I thought this was all I needed...I had a strong relationship with Him, but there was a part of my heart that needed some adjusting and the Lord knew exactly what to allow in my life that would do the job! It's called HUMILITY!!! One symptom of pride that I had was thinking I was everyone's gift on the earth and I could fix anyone. I never remember going to anyone and asking for help or prayer. I was "strong." I didnt need anyone else. I was a step higher than everyone else and didn't need to ask for help. Well, let's just say that has definately changed in my life! And I am better now because of it. Brokenness comes in our lives because we cannot see others the way He sees them until we realize our own brokenness and humanity. I am no different than the man who beats his wife, the prostitute on the street, or the murderer (although I do need reminded of this at times!). We will not reach out to others who are hurting until we can somewhat identify with how they feel. Someone like me who had some self righteous issues at a young age needed to go through some shaking in my early years to get all of that pride out of me.
Like I said earlier, iron does sharpen iron. I am changed into the image of Christ when I am humble enough to open up my life to those around me. This may mean receiving correction, rebuke, or offering a necessary forgiveness. May we allow the Lord to work and mold us into a vessel of love and humility. First of all loving Him and secondly loving our neighbor - no matter what they look like, sound like, where they live, how they dress, or even smell (ha). I don't know about you, but I want to become more like Him. If we are serious about that, we can expect a few bumps and bruises along the way.
The scripture I've been reading lately is Job 5:17,18 "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds but He also binds up; He injures but He also heals."
No matter what He allows in our life, we can know that it will bring about good and we will grow from it. Pearls are formed by adding pressure and our lives are no different. The pain in my life has been the very thing that has shaped me into who God has called me to be!
Monday, June 2, 2008
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Dear Marci,
I've been going through your blog today and love the way you describe and pour out your heart for Jesus.
Be blessed,
Lars from the Netherlands
Thank you!
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