Friday, February 25, 2011

A Surprise Visit

There are many things that occur in a heart when it truly encounters the Lord. The one thing that moves me every time about the heart of Jesus is His tenderness. My best days are when I can cry in His presence. Not because of sadness, but because my heart is experiencing His heart. When our hearts touch the heart of Jesus, it is as if the walls and defenses we have built up are torn down and His heart of tender love touches the places that have been deeply hidden inside of us. Its these places which we try to hide with so many different things that He longs for. Oh how I love when I sense the tenderness in His heart. It causes me to love better.
That very thing happened today. While waiting alone in the doctors office, He came. There I was sitting on that very uncomfortable chair looking at the not so great art on the wall and He surprised me with a visit. In that moment, I closed my eyes and sat in silence and completely enjoyed Him as He sat with me. It was like a wave of peace came over me and that all too familiar presence came so near. I wanted to greet Him with "oh its you again! Come and make yourself comfortable by me! Oh wait, you already have. And I'm so glad you did!" Instead, I did not say a word. Really good friends don't have to talk. They can sit together in the comfort of knowing they are in safe company. This is His desire for us! It is in moments like this that I'm reminded I have a friend so dear and so close. This friend, Jesus, has unending tenderness and mercy towards us. The sweetness in His heart no one can fathom! And even though I often write about Him publicly, I really like the fact that He is personal with us. I like it that He wants to spend time with us alone...just you and Him! He knows the ends and outs of our lives and we don't have to put up any fronts with Him. More surprise visits, please!


Reba said...

This is sweet Marci :-)

David said...

God Bless you lead you with His Love & anointing.