Saturday, April 16, 2011

Letting God Look At Us

I don't want to be afraid of God. The problem with you and I is that we are always having to deal with the fact that we simply aren't perfect. In every heart there is darkness. In every person there are things that need to be changed. Sometimes the person knows it, and sometimes they don't. When I am walking in pride, I don't know it until God creates a situation to show me the state of my heart. He does this because He is committed to judge sin in our lives. Every time He shows us a dark part in our heart, it's the beginning of defeat in that area of our lives. It is a glorious thing to come to know ourselves in the light of our weakness as well as how God views us. As long as we are in this earth, He is committed to changing us. It's very humbling when we realize the state of our own hearts, but it is the very work of God to bring an understanding to us of the necessity of being humble and broken before Him. Part of that journey is letting God look at us. It does no good to cover up or hide the issues in our hearts, but that is often the response we give Him because of fear. Letting God look at us, and opening up our hearts in honesty is a huge step in allowing Him to bring change to us. If you are like me, pride often stops me from experiencing Gods ways in my life. So for the ten billionth time, I come again asking Him to bring the needed brokenness in my life. Like everyone, I have many things that are in need of repair. But I also know we are dearly loved by the One doing the changing.

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