Friday, March 6, 2009


I had dinner with a friend the other day and we were talking about how often we are tempted to get offended at the things that happen, or don't happen, in our lives. We even at times begin to question God's goodness and His ability to make good decisions over our lives. We think somehow that we know better and have a better way of doing things because we are unable to see His perspective on things. It boils down to an issue of trust.

The verse I've been pondering is in Psalms 103 that basically says He treats us better than we deserve. Think about what each of us truly deserve. This is something that I forget and don't think of often enough. The reality that we DESERVE eternal punishment is quite humbling. In fact, the person who really has this revelation alive in them will never get offended at God. Instead, they will live as one who has been loved by the Judge of all -- that He chose to look past what we deserve and give us mercy. No matter what their life looks like- good, bad, or ugly- they live in the love of God, as one who has been "snatched from the fire" and choose to have a thankful heart in the midst of confusion and not totally understanding everything. Living life on the earth with an eternal perspective is not easy and takes a lot of discipline. It's easier not to, for sure.

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