Friday, March 25, 2011

Mother to the Motherless

One thing the Lord told me several years ago was that He was going to teach me to be a mother. Now if you look at my life right now, you would wonder what in the world He meant since I am older with no kids of my own. Yet, His idea of a mother is so much more than what we may consider as being one. Do you know how kind God is? I mean, He is really, really nice. And He is really, really happy. I’ve been on this journey the last 10 or so years of learning about what God is really like. I find that inside of Him is the gentleness and tenderness of a mother. Inside of Him is the safety and love of a father. He has the qualities of a really incredible parent. This is what He wants to teach us. He wants to teach us about who He is and in doing so, we will begin to function with His love and heart on the earth. We will actually begin to be carriers of His love because we have searched and looked for Him. He will give without measure those that look for Him above anything else. I’m not talking about learning the traditions of a church. I’m talking about knowing God. Really, really knowing Him on the heart level. For me, I’ve had to allow Him to chip away the things that I once thought was true about God and let Him rearrange my thinking about how He is towards me. I was an awesome church girl with a lot of messed up ideas about who God was. He is still changing me.

I believe now more than ever the Lord is raising up people who know His heart as Father. In the coming days there will be such a need for those who can bring His heart to broken children. The motherless and fatherless of the earth are increasing beyond what we realize. The nations are filled with kids who are homeless, hungry, and have nothing. I have a feeling as things continue to unfold across the world, that this is only the beginning of a multitude of children who need the Father’s love. If you are one in whom the Lord has put a desire to help children, know that it is not an accident. Be confident in your calling that the Lord Himself has put that in your heart. You are meant for such a time as this.

Many are called to be an umbrella, a shade from the heat, and a place of safety for these little ones. It is so important that we know the heart of God. We must have His heart in the coming days. We must see with His eyes and move with His heart. As we look upon the lowliest most broken people of the earth, we must be able to see the beauty that He sees in them. If there is one thing we should be searching for and longing for, it is the heart of God. Money is not the most important resource (though it is important). We can have all the money in the world to give to people, but we need so much more than that. We must be grounded in love and be able to communicate God’s love to them in a way that is meaningful to them. The problems and hurt they carry are too much for us to fix. We need something more to give than a nice counseling session on how to have a better life. We need the Lord’s power and love to rest on us so much that when we talk and walk among them, we carry His very heart and fragrance. We smell like Him, talk like Him, and love like Him. It’s not the time to think we know how to do it. It’s time to cry out to Him like never before for the realization of His love and anointing for the broken hearted and hurting. We aren’t meant to stay in our little bubble. It’s time to get out and it’s time to carry the heart of God for others. You and I in all of our imperfections are the perfect candidates! It’s time, friends! People need Him!

Well, I’m getting all worked up. I better quit.

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