Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Highest Calling

I believe in all of us is a desire to give ourselves so fully to another in complete abandonment. To love another so much that our lives, knowing it is given out of our own free choice, are laid down for the sake of another. There is a beauty in sacrifice. Not for ourselves, but for love. With joy in our hearts we say yes to what seems difficult only to find that it is love that awaits us and love that is calling us. Love is the height of our calling. It is not to become something or to be valuable by the standards we so often live by. It is to love that we are called and love is the only thing that will last beyond what our eyes see today. It is our greatest calling and our greatest reward.

We were meant for so much more than just the boredom of everyday life. Our hearts are made for intimacy. When God made us, He put the ability inside of us for deep friendship and intimacy. Don’t be afraid to be childlike enough with God that you can come to Him without being fearful of what He might say. Many are afraid of what He will say to them. Therefore, they stay arms length away (or farther). You will be wonderfully surprised at what you will hear. It is in His heart and in His words of love about us that we become all that we are meant to be. Yes, you are meant to be a dad, a nurse, a teacher, etc etc. There is a greater calling for you and for I. It is the calling of love. It is when we can come to Him like a child and let Him see every hidden part inside of us without fear. This will completely transform us so we can live life knowing without a doubt that we are someone with a purpose and someone so unique to His heart.

Just like the longing we have to know real love, God desires to shine His face on those that are searching for Him. He will not relent, but will give freely to those who ask Him to show His love to them. Even now He is searching and looking for one whose heart is turned towards Him.

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